Secretary of State Ágnes Hornung spoke at the online conference on Social Innovation for Poverty Eradication.Continue reading
Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary Secretary of State of the Interior Ministry, announced that a recent amendment expediting the adoption process for newborns left in hospitals took effect at the beginning of July. The new legislation extends the rules for children placed in incubators to those in neonatal units.
“The amendment that came into force at the beginning of the month allows newborn children left in hospitals to be adopted promptly,” wrote Bence Rétvári in a statement sent to the state news agency (MTI), reports Index.
The aim of the amendment is to ensure that newborns are placed with caring families as quickly as possible.
Under the new law, procedures for children left in neonatal units will be similar to those for babies in incubators. If neither the mother nor any other relative contacts the hospital within six weeks to collect the child, the infant will become eligible for adoption without the need for formal relinquishment.
“In recent months, there have been an average of around two hundred children per month in hospital wards without their relatives contacting them,” Mr. Rétvári noted. “Currently, in Hungary, over a thousand prospective adoptive parents have been approved and are waiting to adopt children aged 0-3 years old. This amendment aims to ensure that those who cannot be raised within their biological families can find loving, caring homes as quickly as possible.”
Via Index; Featured Image: Pixabay