So far, a total of eight individual birds have been examined in the country.Continue reading
An extremely rare bird species in Europe has been found in southern Hungary, near Szeged. The staff of the Fehértavi Ornithology Camp in Szeged recently captured a young Menetries’s warbler (Curruca mystacea) and released it after ringing, reads the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society’s (MME) website.
On November 1, 2024, a small passeriform bird was captured at Lake Fehér in Szeged by the staff of the MEE Csongrád County local group. The bird, after a thorough visual inspection, turned out to be a juvenile Menetries’s warbler (Curruca mystacea).
The species is extremely rare throughout Europe, with only two recorded occurrences: one in 2007 in Italy and one in 2012 in Greece, from the island of Lesbos.
The breeding range of the Menetries’s warbler is in Central Asia, in the Caspian Sea region, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, eastern Türkiye and northern Iran. It is a migratory bird: its wintering grounds are in Iran, the Arabian Peninsula and northeast Africa from Sudan to Somalia. Some occurrences have also been recorded in Jordan and Israel.
Detailed photographs of the bird have been taken and all important biometric data have been measured, they write. Ornithologists confirmed the correct identification of the bird on site and it was then released in good condition.
If the MME Nomenclator Committee validates the data, the Menetries’s warbler will become the 427th species to be recorded in Hungary.
Via mme.hu, Featured image: Wikipedia