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National policy is unimaginable without Hungarian media, the Minister of State for National Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office stressed in Visegrád (northern Hungary) at the third Carpathian Basin Hungarian Media Meeting on Saturday.
At the event, Árpád János Potápi pointed out that thanks to the work of recent years, national policy is now an alliance of networks. “Such a network has also been created in the media, and its construction dates back 30 years, and since then it has been continuously strengthened,” he said.
Árpád János Potápi. Photo: Facebook/Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság
Speaking about the establishment of a modern national policy in Hungary, as a first step, he explained, a new legislative framework was created, with the adoption of the Dual Citizenship Act in 2010. The Hungarian government’s diaspora policy is being observed and adopted in many countries around the world, he stressed. Combining traditional and online tools, the government wants to reach Hungarians around the world, wherever they live, he pointed out.
Tamás Toót-Holló, President of the Hungarian National Media Association, said that we are living in an age of attention deficit and young people no longer read but watch short film productions.
Hybrid genres are increasingly present, with short videos occupying a prominent place among them,”
he pointed out.
Tamás Toót-Holló. Photo: Facebook/Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság
The print media are “dying,” he believes, and are now just a “tradition with us as a legacy,” often kept alive for the sake of certain generations. “Brand loyalty in online media is gone, direct reach has disappeared,” he added, and then went on to discuss the potential of TikTok. He noted that Facebook is now considered obsolete, with 13.2 billion videos viewed on TikTok every month.
Katalin Szili, the Prime Minister’s chief advisor, said that journalism is now in competition with various media platforms. She stressed that journalism and the genre represented by those present should not be seen as competitors, and that it is important to serve those who expect quality journalism.
Katalin Szili. Photo: Facebook/Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság
She also pointed out the difference between neoliberal and national journalism:
While neoliberal, global journalism is about writing what you get paid for, “we have an important passion, our nation,”
emphasized the politician.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság