He believes that if the EU cannot solve the migration issue, it should be left to the Member States to deal with the situation.Continue reading
János Bóka, Minister of European Union Affairs, stated on his Facebook page that the political communication preceding last week’s EU summit and the publicly available documents, confirm the use of access to EU funds by the European Parliament and the European Commission as a tool to exert political pressure on Hungary.
In his post, the minister pointed out that the debate between the government and other actors on objective criteria, European values, rule of law standards, or the protection of EU funds has been ongoing for a very long time. He emphasized the cabinet’s consistent stance that access to funds is being employed as a tool for political pressure.
He added that “the legislation is written in a way that allows this, and the European institutions, particularly the European Parliament and the Commission, interpret it in this manner. There is pressure on these institutions to do so,” making it clear to everyone that the government’s assertion about this being a tool utilized by institutional actors is valid.
The minister reiterated that the Hungarian government’s intention is to ensure both Hungary and the Hungarian people have access to the resources they deserve. He wrote:
Therefore, we are willing to engage with the Commission…if it means the Hungarian people have access to what they deserve.”
He stressed that the government faces some “serious barriers” it cannot and will not cross, such as sovereignty, migration, and the government’s position on child protection. In these areas, there is no room for compromises or flexibility.
Regarding the EU elections, Mr. Bóka stated that Fidesz is an essential part of the genuine right-wing alternative in Europe.
He expressed hope that following the EP elections there would be a majority in both bodies for objective and fair procedures.
He believes this could lead to changes in the relationship between Hungary and the Commission, as well as between Hungary and EU funds.
Via MTI; Featured Image: Facebook / Bóka János