The Italian Prime Minister made headlines with yet another remark supporting migration.Continue reading
“The newly agreed EU pact concerning migration has failed”- asserted Balázs Orbán, the PM’s political director in Rome, last Friday. In his opening speech at the international conference on the future of Europe, Balázs Orbán said that the most important thing from Hungary’s point of view was not to let illegal immigrants into the country, rather to encourage refugees to process their applications outside of Europe.
Currently, Brussels is not part of the solution to the massive migration pressure, but partly the problem itself,”
he added.
After the European Parliamentary (EP) elections that are due next year, new institutional leadership is needed that does not pursue conservative governments, but works with them and takes into account the geopolitical circumstances of each Member State.
“At the moment, we see that the European Union (EU) is not helping Member States solve the problems that really interest and concern the nations of Europe, thus we first need to change this mindset and then we will see de facto actions,” he stressed.
Balázs Orbán also expressed hopes that the EU will have such institutional leadership in the second half of next year, at the beginning of Hungary’s presidency of the EU Council.
He highlighted the fact that the current leadership in Brussels is a source of discontent for everyone and its performance over the past four and a half years has been unacceptable. He said this is especially true for the management of the migration crisis, in addition to the appropriation of European institutions by leftist gender ideology.
The political director described it as symbolic that the meeting was in Rome, held at a coalition of center-right, conservative ones. Balázs Orbán also stated that
Hungary stands in full solidarity with the Meloni government,
which had been abandoned by the EU in the recent wave of the migration crisis. In the absence of help, Italy has had to take the problem into its own hands, including by setting up closed camps like Hungary’s transit zones and needs an agreement with Tunisia to prevent immigrants from crossing the Mediterranean.
Via MTI, UngarnHeute Featured image: Facebook/Balázs Orbán