It has become a tradition at the city zoo to surprise zoo residents with treats on the first day after the holidays.Continue reading
“A jubilee newcomer: Maja, the Parlagian donkey foal is born!” – the Debrecen Zoo wrote on its social media page.
Just a week after the 65th anniversary of the opening of the Zoo in Debrecen, on a truly fitting occasion on World Donkey Day, as on May 1 a Parlagian donkey called Szamóca, gave birth to another healthy offspring,” they added.
Maya was born in the morning in front of some lucky visitors and soon got on her feet, and has since been on display in the spacious wildlife garden surrounded by the Little Railway.
The conservation of native species and breeds is of paramount importance to the Debrecen Zoo, which is why it has been home to the only native donkey in Hungary, the Parlagi donkey, since its foundation and has also regularly announced the birth of new offspring in recent years. These calm, intelligent, and teachable animals are not only on the run but also busy chariot pullers of the so called Csacsifogat, which is a donkey-drawn carriage launched on special occasions.
Featured image: Facebook/Zoo Debrecen