Speaking in a video message posted on Facebook, head of Jobbik Péter Jakab said a "new national unity" had been created through the cooperation of the opposition politicians.Continue reading
The message of the August 20 national holiday is that Hungarians must cooperate and accept each other’s differences, the opposition LMP party said on Friday.
“August 20 means something different to each of us, still we can celebrate St. Stephens Day, the holiday of the foundation of the state and the new bread, together,” LMP said in a statement.
Everyone has a responsibility to later generations, “therefore, it is our duty to create a Hungary where our children and grandchildren will have a good life” both from an environmental and social point of view, the party said.
Meanwhile, LMP said that the evening fireworks display “will cost more than ever before”.
The party cited the government as saying it was going to spend 1.3 billion forints (EUR 3.7m) on the fireworks, shooting 40,000 rockets in the air, or eight times the number used in 2019. LMP said there was no place for “luxury spending amid the current economic and social crisis”.
“In addition, fireworks are obsolete and environmentally harmful, and have been replaced by alternatives in many European cities,” they said. “To leave a livable and sustainable heritage to our descendants, we must pay more attention to protecting the environment at all levels. After the change of government in 2022, this will be a cornerstone for the new government.”
Featured photo illustration by Márton Mónus/MTI