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Katalin Karikó alongside Hollywood Legend for Harvard Honors

Hungary Today 2023.05.30.

Hungarian biochemist and research biologist Katalin Karikó, one of the developers of the mRNA-based vaccine against coronavirus, and two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks, both received honorary doctorates from Harvard University on Thursday, reports Magyar Nemzet.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based institution conferred the titles on the new honorary doctoral graduates, who were dressed in robes and hats, during a traditional graduation ceremony.

The award was presented to several people: Katalin Karikó; Tom Hanks; American chemist Jennifer Doudna, winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry; Pulitzer Prize-winning American historian David Levering Lewis, and Michael Glenn Mullen, retired U.S. Navy admiral and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, among others.

Tom Hanks also gave a speech at this year’s graduation ceremony for the elite U.S. university’s students, in which he stressed the importance of fighting for justice. He called on his audience to stand up for the freedom of all instead of being indifferent.

At graduation ceremonies at major American universities, it is common for politicians or other celebrities to address students and invited guests.

Conference In Honor of World Famous Hungarian Scientist Katalin Karikó
Conference In Honor of World Famous Hungarian Scientist Katalin Karikó

Katalin Karikó was the one who, with her colleagues, developed of the mRNA vaccine against Covid-19.Continue reading

via magyarnemzet.hu, Featured image: Twitter/Semmelweis University

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