Hungarians are proud of March 15, “the day when the world learned the Hungarian word for ‘freedom’ (szabadság)”, Justice Minister Judit Varga said in Monok, the birthplace of 19th century Hungarian reform statesman Lajos Kossuth, on Monday.
Addressing a commemoration of the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight, Varga said the revolution had many cherished heroes, including Kossuth, “whose name is also known overseas”.
“It’s impossible to mention Lajos Kossuth without talking about national independence and self-determination, freedoms and civic Hungary,” the minister said. “As the unshakable statesman he was, he fought bravely and persistently for our country and the free will of the people against imperial rule.”
Varga said it is thanks to Kossuth and his freedom fighters that Hungary is still a free European nation. “It’s free and independent because we must never let go of our independents even for a moment,” she said.
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Turning to the present, Varga said the world was drifting from one crisis to the next. Just as the virus was coming under control, “a war broke out in our neighbouring country”, she said. “Hungarians aren’t in an easy position and neither is Europe”.
Varga said those who were making “irresponsible remarks” were looking out for their own interests instead of those of the country. “These political adventurers don’t care that in such a tense situation words themselves are actions, and frivolous actions can have terrible consequences at a time that calls for composure and strategic calm,” she said.
Featured photo by János Vajda/MTI