The National Election Office (NVI) has implemented several innovations and improvements to streamline voter administration and information dissemination for candidates, nominating organizations, and electoral bodies.
Following the 2022 parliamentary elections and referendum, the NVI incorporated suggestions from electoral offices into their procedures. These insights, along with international practices, are guiding preparations for this year’s elections, including those for members of the European Parliament, mayors, and national minority representatives.
Highlighting innovations, the NVI emphasized that the recent overhaul of e-filing, effective since December 1, 2023, enables voters to receive application decisions within seconds of submission online, in most cases.
Additionally, the Electoral Information System (EIS) has been revamped and will be accessible on the day after elections are announced, providing election-related information and results.
Starting December 2023, voter numbers will be published on by municipality, updated weekly until the election and daily thereafter until polling day.
Informative election booklets have been produced for candidates and nominating organizations, offering detailed information on candidacy processes, campaigning, and procedural deadlines. Training films for electoral committee members have also been introduced, providing practical examples for polling day operations.
For this year’s elections, the NVI has created informational videos for voters, covering key election details. These videos will be available on public channels and online platforms.
The “KITAJ” (Kit ajánlottam? / Who did I recommend?) service, launched during the 2022 parliamentary elections, will continue, allowing voters to verify their support for candidates or nominating organizations. Information on is available in Hungarian, English, German, French, and Spanish.
New features include QR codes on election notices, facilitating access to electronic ballots. The NVI has simplified application forms on the website, reducing submission time to two to three minutes.
The NVI has also upgraded software, replaced election workstations, and distributed over 1,000 new computers and printers to election offices.
The National Election Office aims to provide comprehensive information and streamline administration for all election participants, leveraging innovations and best practices to achieve this goal.
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Via MTI; Featured Image: Pexels