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Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (R) in talks with Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church (L) in early December.

Christians in Syria can count on Hungary, the State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday.

Tristan Azbej noted that his ministry has been following developments in Syria, especially the situation of Christians, closely in recent weeks and in the current days. He said that “during the Christmas season, we are receiving both worrying and hopeful news.” On the one hand, he explained, the new leadership in Damascus has made a number of promises to protect the rights of religious minorities and encouraging gestures have been made towards Christians.

On the other hand, their Christian partners report Islamist threats, burnt Christmas trees, and disrupted holidays,”

he said.

Azbej emphasized that

Hungary stands by the Christians in the Middle East, and therefore 6 million forints (14,600 euros) of immediate humanitarian aid from the emergency budget of the Hungary Helps Program will be allocated to the Syrian Melkite Church through the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.

In addition, some 20 million forints (48,700 euros) will also support the Syrian Orthodox Church’s refugee care activities in Lebanon, he added.


The Hungary Helps Program is a specific national model that strengthens international humanitarian engagement. Through the program, Hungary is helping people in need not to have to leave their home country, and if possible, to return to it. Through humanitarian aid provided under the Hungary Helps Program, the government has so far helped half a million people to stay in or return to their home country. The program also aims to help persecuted Christians around the world, especially in the Middle East.

“In addition to immediate relief of suffering, it is also of the utmost importance to ensure that the cradle of Christianity remains a long-term home for believers in Christ,” said the State Secretary.

He stressed:

The Hungarian government will therefore provide support over the next three years to enable the Syrian Orthodox Church in Damascus to build a new church in the center of Damascus, as well as to develop educational and community infrastructure, which will help thousands of Syrian families to stay or return in the short term.”

“We believe in not bringing people in trouble to Europe, but in bringing help to where the trouble is,” Azbej concluded.

Hungarian Aid Reaches Lebanese Christians amid Ongoing Instability
Hungarian Aid Reaches Lebanese Christians amid Ongoing Instability

There is growing global instability, marked by armed conflicts, terror threats, and uncertainty in various regions.Continue reading

Via MTI, Featured image: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher

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