Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson recently gave an interview to the Mandiner weekly newspaper in Budapest, where he gave a lecture in a stadium to great interest.
According to Jordan Peterson, “it is almost impossible to get real, reliable information about Hungary from the traditional media” in the West. “In fact, everything we get is a blatant lie,” he noted. Regarding his experiences in Budapest, he said he knows President Katalin Novák – whom he met several times – “quite well” and holds her in high regard because of Hungary’s family policy.
Peterson said he also met Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his team once.
There are different views in the West on migration and its management, but there is no justification for your government to be constantly pilloried in the EU,”
he said.
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According to the psychologist, Hungary is often attacked because liberals think it is “always good to have something to constantly scare people with, to demonize someone.” “Europe also needs a bogeyman like Donald Trump, and that is the role that Viktor Orbán has been appointed to,” he added.
Peterson said that if Hungary’s family policy was really well-known worldwide, most people would agree with it. “The vast majority of people are not crazy left-wingers. An extremely vocal, unhinged minority has disproportionate power. But most people have mothers and are sensible enough to take a positive approach to the family issue,” he stressed.
At heart, most people want to live in a functional family,”
Peterson noted, adding that “it is true that if we paint an ideal family picture, those who do not fit in may feel looked down upon, excluded.” “But it is hardly worth bothering about that because we have learned what happens when we destroy ideals: it does no one any good,” he stressed.
On the “woke takeover” of education, he said, “there is no country where it is not a threat.” “The luck of Central Europe is that memories of communism are still fresh enough here to know where this is leading. If there is to be a renaissance of Western values, it is likely to come from Central Europe,” Peterson explained.
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