International spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said it was intended to be an insult, but it is more of a compliment.Continue reading
There has been no change in the European Union’s migration policy since the introduction of the migration pact, and the distribution of quotas and the establishment of refugee camps are still being urged. However, significant changes have taken place at the level of nation states, György Bakondi, the Prime Minister’s chief advisor on internal security, told M1 news channel.
Citing European examples, he remarked that last week, a Swedish official said that there is not a day when there is not an explosion there. One can imagine the fears and political repercussions that the people there are experiencing, György Bakondi said.
In Germany, opinion polls show that a very large part of the population believes that there is an urgent need to change migration policy, which the CDU leadership, currently in opposition, has tried to tighten.
However, the current chancellor and the parties in government have taken the view that this cannot be done. Early elections are coming in Germany at the end of February, with several media outlets predicting the win of the CDU-CSU parties, with Alternative for Germany (AfD) coming in second place.
Other examples include the search for a solution in the UK, where refugees are being resettled from France, and the serious political disputes in Italy over the Albanian refugee camps, following bilateral agreements with Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya. The Slovaks, the Dutch, and the Austrians have made a change as well, so something has already been initiated at the level of nation-states because of illegal migration and its negative effects.
Bakondi pointed out that in the United States, a key element of Donald Trump’s campaign was to urgently address the issue of the tens of millions of illegal immigrants who arrived during the Biden administration. As soon as the Trump administration was formed, they started closing the border, declaring a state of emergency, and detaining and deporting en masse those offending illegal migrants who posed a significant threat to the safety of the American people.
Hungary is pursuing the right migration policy, the security of the daily lives of the Hungarian people is assured, and there are no plans to change that.
We do not want to see masses of illegal immigrants in Hungary, we do not want to see demonstrations, anti-Semitism, we do not want to see stabbings, bombings, gas attacks, which are common across Europe,”
Bakondi stressed. He added that they have proposed to the European Union to take their advice into account, to learn from their experience across Europe, and hope that the rise of conservative forces in the European Parliament and visible changes in nation-state efforts could lead to “a possible change in the EU’s misguided migration policy, which has had serious consequences.” If the Patriots and their supporters can move from the current oppositional politics to a decision-making position, they can change the flawed decisions of the European Parliament, and if nation-states change, this will eventually be reflected in the decision-making mechanism of the European Council, the advisor concluded.
He also pointed out that in the first month of this year, 1,556 illegal immigrants were apprehended at Hungary’s southern border, compared to 185 last year. He recalled that
recently a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a border policeman when he stopped a group of migrants trying to break through.
Speaking on Tv2’s Mokka morning show, Bakondi emphasized that terrorist attacks across Europe, serious public security incidents, violence against women, and tensions in the social care system had led to a sense of resentment among the EU population. People feel that this is not the right direction, that we should not let in so many immigrants, but that voice is not getting through to EU leaders. However, it does reach the leaders of nation-states, because they are directly elected.
Via MTI, Featured photo via Twitter/Sea-Watch International