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Hungary Helps Program Comes to the Aid of Armenian Families in Need

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.07.02.

Hungary has an interest in the stability of Armenia and the Caucasus, and during the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, that began on Monday, the government will seek to strengthen relations between the region and the European Union, the State Secretary responsible for programs to help persecuted Christians, said in Yerevan.

Tristan Azbej, who arrived in the Armenian capital on Monday for a one-day official visit, said he had informed the Armenian deputy foreign minister about the Hungarian government intention. The State Secretary underlined that the cooperation between the two countries will be further strengthened and new elements will be added. Hungary will provide further support to Armenian families who have resettled in Armenia after the “Karabakh escalation” through the Hungary Helps Program.

The HUF 200 million (EUR 505,000) of aid will be used for food, household items, housing, social care and children’s education,”

he added.


The Hungary Helps Program is a specific national model that strengthens international humanitarian engagement in light of the fact that the Hungarian government’s migration and humanitarian policies go hand in hand. In 2016, Hungary became the first country to launch such an initiative. Through the program, Hungary is helping people in need not to have to leave their home country, and if possible, to return to it. Through humanitarian aid provided under the Hungary Helps Program, the government has so far helped half a million people to stay in or return to their home country. The program also aims to help persecuted Christians around the world, especially in the Middle East.

Photo: Facebook/Hungary Helps – Magyarország segít

Tristan Azbej recalled that

Hungary had already provided HUF 40 million (EUR 100,000) in emergency aid to the needy through the Armenian Red Cross, also under the Hungary Helps program. At the recent meeting, the Armenian deputy foreign minister thanked Hungary for being the first country to help the needy.

As part of the cooperation, a guest lecturer will be hosted at the Armenian State Pedagogical University with the support of the Hungarian state from September, the State Secretary said, referring to the cooperation between Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Hungary and the Armenian university. He mentioned that the Stipendium Hungaricum program offers scholarships to Armenian students studying in Hungary.

Hungary Helps Program Provides Financial Aid for Medical Equipment to Syrian Refugees
Hungary Helps Program Provides Financial Aid for Medical Equipment to Syrian Refugees

The eighth edition of the Brussels conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region' was held on Monday.Continue reading

Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/PPKE Armenológia Tanszék

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