The announcements include wage hikes in certain sectors, income-tax rebates for families, waiving income tax for workers under the age of 25, and certain home renovation grants.Continue reading
Tax authority NAV received 835,000 applications for family tax reimbursements last year, under which over 600 billion forints (EUR 1.7bn) will be refunded to taxpayers, András Tállai, state secretary at the finance ministry, told MTI on Wednesday.
Tállai noted that families raising children, disabled people, and pregnant women are eligible for the tax refund under a “unique” measure taken by the Hungarian government. Personal income tax on basic wages, family assistance, incomes from farm produce and property leases will be refunded, Tállai said.
Fully 81 percent of the applications were tendered online, the state secretary said.
Featured photo illustration by Lajos Soós/MTI