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Hungary Confronts EU Court Ruling on Border Policies and Migration

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.06.14.

Recently, the European Court of Justice ruled against Hungary, ordering that migrants can enter the country, apply for asylum on Hungarian soil, and stay there. György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief advisor on homeland security, expressed his expectations regarding the ruling, noting that Hungary has been facing ongoing challenges in border security since 2015. He highlighted the court’s surprising decision to impose a substantial fine rather than the penalty proposed by the European Commission.


Would you agree or disagree with the new migration pact, which allows illegal migrants to be resettled without the say of Member States? Picture: Századvég

The ruling aims to ensure asylum seekers can apply for refugee status at Hungary’s borders and have their claims processed within Hungarian territory. Mr. Bakondi criticized the perceived threat to Hungary’s security posed by illegal border crossings and emphasized Hungary’s efforts to deter such activities. He stressed the legal complexities between EU directives and Hungary’s domestic laws, asserting the need to balance legal certainty with public security.

The PM’s chief advisor argued vehemently for Hungary’s right to safeguard its borders under Schengen rules, denouncing what he perceives as undue interference from Brussels.

Have you experienced increased crime in your country as a result of immigration? Picture: Századvég

He underscored the importance of national sovereignty in maintaining internal security, suggesting that any compromise on this front could jeopardize counter-terrorism efforts.

Moreover, György Bakondi highlighted disparities in EU funding, noting that while Hungary bears the full cost of its border fences, other nations receive EU support for similar measures. He criticized what he termed political discrimination against Hungary within EU institutions, exemplified by the recent court ruling.

Do you see immigration as a positive or negative phenomenon? Picture: Századvég

Looking ahead, Mr. Bakondi expressed hope for a change in EU migration policies, asserting that the timing of the court’s decision, just after the European Parliament elections, aimed to minimize political gains for Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party.


In May 2024, the EU adopted a controversial migration pact requiring mandatory distribution of illegal migrants among Member States, met with significant public opposition across Europe. Hungary, with strong resistance, faces hefty fines for non-compliance. According to Századvég‘s study included in the article, public perception reflects widespread concerns about migration contributing to crime and cultural conflicts, despite varying national policies. The EU’s push for increased legal migration contrasts sharply with public sentiment, highlighting a significant divide on immigration policies within the bloc.

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He emphasized the need for a paradigm shift to prevent illegal migration.Continue reading

Via MTI; Featured Image: Facebook / Migrációkutató Intézet

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