In many popular product categories, one can expect higher prices and less deals this holiday season, but the public’s desire to buy will likely be stronger.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
The reason for the inflation is the negative impact of the coronavirus on the world’s economy, reduced production capacities, as well as problems in delivery and logistics. As a result, many products arrive in Europe in smaller quantities and have slower delivery times. There is a broader supply of more expensive products and a smaller supply of cheaper ones, which also leads to inflation. In addition, there is the loss of the forint against the euro, which will also be reflected in prices.
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You will not be able to count on special promotions like Black Friday either, because retailers are only willing to give a discount for those products they already have in stock. However, it may happen that discounts for goods that arrived late will be granted only after the holidays.
Source: HVG
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