According to the Chancellery Minister, the Hungarian government is beginning reductions with themselves.Continue reading
The energy crisis raging in Europe is felt by every household on the continent. Hungarians are no exception, and are looking to cut costs by turning down the heating in their homes, according to a survey by IKEA.
The poll, conducted by the Swedish furniture retailer, shows that only 13.3 percent of Hungarians said they had no plans to cut their household bills this autumn-winter season, Világgazdaság, a Hungarian economic site reports. However, the majority, 47.7%, said they would turn down the heating in their home when they go to work or when they are not using the room.
Also high was the proportion of people, 43.6%, who said they would turn down the temperature in their home even when they were at home.
As it turns out, most people consider a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius to be ideal. However, 58.2% of respondents will turn the thermostat down by 1-2 degrees this winter.
People need to think seriously about how they will get through the winter, whether at home or at work. The government has recently announced a 25 percent reduction in gas use in public institutions, meaning schools and other government buildings will be kept at around 19-20 degrees Celsius. Because of this, and the change in home heating habits, the IKEA survey also found that 13.7 percent of people plan to buy more warm blankets.
In addition, consumers are trying to save not only on electricity but also on water. 38.8 percent of those surveyed said they plan to spend less time in the shower, and 28.1 percent will switch to showering instead of bathing in a bathtub. But Hungarians’ energy-saving plans also include changing light bulbs and buying energy-saving taps.
These measures are significant if only because, as IKEA’s research shows, Hungarians are extremely attached to the comfort of their homes.
71.9 percent of those surveyed said they would prefer to cut back on personal spending, i.e. holidays, clothes shopping, and cultural activities. In contrast, only 28.1 percent said they would limit their home comforts, such as cutting back on temperature and water consumption.
A similar trend can be observed in the area of saving, with the majority of Hungarians, 66.2 percent, preferring to consume less and being more careful to avoid waste. Meanwhile, 33.8 said they would look for cheaper products if they had to save money.
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