The survey, led by Prof. Amitabh Anand of Excelia Business School and Corvinus University, along with other experts.Continue reading
In addition to Austria, people from Hungary also go to Slovakia and Romania to work, based on a recent analysis by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH).
The number of employed persons living in Hungary but working abroad exceeded 122,000 in 2022, representing 2.9% of the total number of employees in Hungary, Portfolio pointed out.
According to the Census Atlas (Népszámlálási atlasz, 2022), just released by the KSH,
the largest group of them commuted to Austria, with their share of the employed population in border municipalities reaching up to 80%.
Košice (Kassa) in Slovakia attracted workers from the northern municipalities of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county and Oradea (Nagyvárad) in Romania from the south-eastern municipalities of Hajdú-Bihar county, detailed the KSH analysis.
Sándor Baja, Managing Director of Randstad, a recruitment and temporary employment agency in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Romania, noted
if you went to Biharkeresztes (eastern Hungary), you would be amazed at the number of buses taking Hungarian workers to Oradea.”
Árpád Boros, country manager for Hungary and Romania at Staufen international consultancy, pointed out that Romania is no longer a low-cost country, and that business leaders are realizing that they cannot rely on low wages alone.
In terms of wages, Romania has caught up with Hungary, or there are regions where wages are perhaps even higher.
As Index reported earlier the Hungarian labor market remains tight, but September data show a fall in the number of people in employment.
The number of workers in the domestic primary labor market rose slightly to 4,545,000 at the beginning of autumn. While the number of people working abroad remained stable at 108,000, the number of people in public employment fell by 10,000, to 56,000.
Via Portfolio; Featured image via Pexels