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“Hungarians cannot be robbed,” Warns the Prime Minister

Hungary Today 2025.03.21.

Viktor Orbán gave an interview to public media from Brussels on Friday morning. During the talk, he touched on the reasons for the introduction of the margin freeze and the developments at the EU summit, and also mentioned the ban on Pride, reports Magyar Nemzet.

Speaking about the margin freeze, the Prime Minister said that it would have been nice not to have been forced to do that. “If price rises are caused by market processes, one can hope that market processes will bring prices down. But there is no market process here,” he pointed out.

He recalled that it was now hitting back that the governments after the 1989 regime change had failed to create Hungarian business chains. He added that wholesalers were not interested in Hungarians, they had passed on the profit to the prices, and the negotiations with them had not led to any results. According to the Prime Minister, the essence of the interference is that grocery stores can only add ten percent to the purchase price. Mr Orbán stressed that he would like foreigners to understand that “Hungarians cannot be robbed” and that they cannot go above the 10 percent, the 10 percent margin should be enough. He added that he hoped the situation would normalize.

On the amendment of the law on assembly, Viktor Orbán said that normally the right of assembly and child protection can coexist, but not when sexuality is taken to the streets or brought into schools by gender activists.

“Today, normal people like us are under constant provocation because people who live according to non-traditional sexual behavior, which they have the right to do, are taking it out into the streets, and they have no regard for the fact that there are millions of children in this country who need to be raised as healthy human beings, and the responsibility for that lies with the parents,” the Prime Minister stressed. He reiterated that the right to a healthy upbringing of children is a fundamental right, which must also be taken into account in the case of all other rights. “The authorities will decide whether the right of freedom or the right of parents to protect their children comes first. The Hungarian government’s position is that children come first,” he emphasized.

Opposition Politicians Throw Tantrum in Parliament with Smoke Flares over Pride Ban
Opposition Politicians Throw Tantrum in Parliament with Smoke Flares over Pride Ban

The incident occurred after the parliament voted on the amendment of the assembly law to ban Pride.Continue reading

The Prime Minister said that a clear legal situation must be created so that the authorities can then act accordingly. He added that he had not looked kindly on Pride so far. He also pointed out that there was a huge international gender network behind the parades and that Hungary was not strong enough to stand up to it until now. However, the political change in the US had opened up the government’s room for maneuver to put the child first, so that it was no longer Washington but Brussels that the government had to battle on this issue, Mr Orbán stated.

Talking about the economic measures regarding families, the Prime Minister recalled that family as a community with its special circumstances has not been taken into account by economic regulation, such as the need to support the child. That is the government have introduced the family tax allowance, Mr Orbán said, adding that they will also introduce a personal income tax exemption for mothers of two for the rest of their lives.

On yesterday’s EU summit, Viktor Orbán stated that the situation in Brussels was improving. He said that we should not be afraid of being alone on the Ukraine issue. As an example, he cited the issue of migration, where an increasing number of people are taking the side of the Hungarian position. He added that opinion was increasingly shifting towards the pro-peace side.

He pointed out that it turned out that there was no money for Ukraine’s admission to the EU, for which the member states was told to take a loan. However, the Prime Minister emphasized that no new loan should be taken.

Sooner or later, if not elsewhere, there will come a moment of sobering up on the economic side, that Ukraine’s EU membership would be tantamount to economic collapse,”

he stressed. He added that in Hungary, the government parties are clearly of the opinion that Ukraine’s accession in the current circumstances would destroy Hungary and the entire European economy, and therefore reject it. However, opposition parties are pro-Ukraine and share the view of the European Union.

The Prime Minister pointed out that if Hungary has the people’s position, the government will be able to gain a firm foothold in Brussels, and the other countries will not be able to look over it.

It is only a matter of time before the people in every single member state demand that their views be heard and challenged. Today, nowhere except in Hungary are people asked about such issues,”

he noted. This is not surprising, he said, because people were not consulted on migration anywhere in Europe, nor on gender issues.

Asked about the maturity of Europe’s strategy on Ukraine or the post-war period, Viktor Orbán stated that he saw a lack of thinking and a mismatch of pace in Brussels. He said that Europeans will find themselves in a situation where there is already a US-Ukraine agreement, a US-Russia agreement and a Russian-Ukrainian agreement, but the European countries have been left out of it. He recalled that he had already written in July that if the Europeans did not take action and change their pro-war stance and start to take an independent European line, Europe’s future would be sorted out without Europe.

Viktor Orbán Vetoes Joint Declaration on Ukraine at EU Summit
Viktor Orbán Vetoes Joint Declaration on Ukraine at EU Summit

"We will not agree to a common European position that includes Hungary and is pro-war," the Prime Minister emphasized.Continue reading

Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured photo via MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán

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