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László Kövér, the Speaker of the Parliament, drew attention to the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the war of cancel culture in the West.
Kurultaj is a message and example for all western and eastern people, László Kövér, the Speaker of Hungary’s Parliament said at the bi-annual tribal assembly of Hun-Turkic peoples in Bugac (south-central Hungary) on Saturday.
“Sometimes it was the east, other times the west that bit us in the last thousand years; this is how we were trained, this is why we are still strong and thriving,” the politician stated. According to Kövér, there were times when the east tried to force Hungarians to refuse their western culture, and on other occasions the west wanted them to deny their eastern roots.
“We, Hungarians will not deny the east or the west, we will work to build a link between them,”
he added.
The House Speaker warned that the war in Ukraine can have serious ramifications. Unless western and eastern powers can reach a new compromise and ensure stability, the local conflict is going to escalate into a total world war, he explained, adding that in this case, there will be no winners, but there will be terrible losses in the east and in the west as well.
Europe is definitely among the losers, according to Kövér, economically, politically, and even morally. He said that the sanctions policy is destroying Europe’s economy.
László Kövér believes that there is another – as yet bloodless – war going on, aimed at erasing Western memory. “The representatives of cancel culture, the transhumanists, are attacking the memory of the Western people. Their task is to turn every human difference that exists against each other – white people against black people, Westerners against Orientals, men against women, young against old, Christians against Muslims,” he said.
According to Kövér, the “intellectual assassins” of the Western world are run, harbored, and financed by globally organized private financial interest groups.
Kurultaj’s spectacular events featured the world’s best equestrians, nomadic and spear fighting, jousting, and ancient tests of strength. In addition to Hungarian organizations from the Carpathian Basin, 27 nations were represented at the ministerial level.
Featured photo via MTI/Ujvári Sándor