Hungarian food history is generally not very clear, but Nyírség dumpling soup (Nyírségi gombócleves) is a mystery even to food historians.Continue reading
It’s a common occurrence; you have friends coming over for dinner over the holidays and you just cannot decide what to prepare for them. Not to worry, because we’ve gathered the top three recipes for exceptional Hungarian foods that we are certain your guests will love!
Preparing a full course dinner during Christmas is not an easy task, never mind deciding what to make. This list will provide you with some unique and delicious Hungarian dishes that your guests will definitely love.
Let’s face it: if you start Googling ideas for appropriate holiday soups, you’ll be recommended pumpkins, squashes, potatoes, and various other vegetables. Typical. Why not spice things up with a major Hungarian mystery? This dumpling soup tastes exceptional, but not only have many restaurants “dumbed it down,” but its true origins are completely unknown. Now that’s something worth discussing at the dinner table.
With this recipe for traditional Nyírség dumpling soup, your guests will not just appreciate the creativity (and the taste), but you’ll be helping keep the legacy of an excellent dish from Eastern Hungary alive.
This mouth watering dish has a bit of everything; a nice garnish of rice, juicy pork tenderloin, and a ragout that will make any Hungarian grandma proud. It is worth enjoying now, since back when it was conceived in the 50s, most Hungarians could not afford it.
Taking this list back to Mór Jókai’s 1862 article on “Our National foods,” aranygaluska is not only loved by Hungarians, but it even made it into Betty Crocker’s cookbook as Hungarian coffee cake. Its preparation is quite a process, but the final result is definitely worth your time, and your guests will surely love it. Just make sure to correct them if they mix it up with monkey bread!
We are confident that these dishes will help you serve an especially memorable dinner to your guests this Christmas. Of course, it’s also a matter of personal taste, you may end up finding a personal favorite after browsing some of our other recipes. The original recipes themselves are excellent, but feel free to add your own unique touches to them if you would like. Your contributions to sharing Hungarian cuisine will not be forgotten at the dinner table! We hope you enjoy, or as we would say it, jó étvágyat!
Featured photo illustration by Péter Csákvári/Hungary Today