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Krisztián Forró, President of the Alliance and State Secretary János Árpád Potápi
State Secretary János Árpád Potápi praised the performance of the Hungarian Alliance Party in Slovakia in the county and municipal elections.
The Hungarian Alliance (Szövetség) party scored a “historic success” in the local and county elections in Slovakia on Sunday, according to State Secretary Árpád János Potápi. The government official responsible for policy for Hungarian communities abroad addressed an event in Budapest on Wednesday, MTI reports.
He recalled that Hungarian parties in Slovakia had united a year ago, adding that this had “borne fruit.” Potápi explained the need for unity with the fact that also the ethnic Hungarian community makes up 8.5 percent of Slovakia’s population, and no Hungarian party or one with Hungarian participation managed to win seats in parliament in the last general election.
According to Potápi, the Alliance has become a major party in southern Slovakia (Felvidék), and they were becoming a strong force nationally, too.
“It is highly likely that Hungarians in Slovakia will enjoy very strong parliamentary representation,”
he added.
In the Slovak county elections, the Hungarian Alliance party won about a quarter more seats than its predecessor parties five years ago. Among the parties in Slovakia, the Hungarian party was the one that put forward the most independent candidates for the county councils, according to MTI. The Alliance also won more mayoral seats in local elections than its predecessor parties four years ago.
Featured photo via MTI/Kovács Tamás