On Tuesday, the European Parliament plenary session adopted a report on institutional relations between the European Union and the Council of Europe. Hungarian MEPs drew attention to the protection of the rights of national minorities.
The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages should be incorporated into the EU legal order, says a report presented by Loránt Vincze at the European Parliament on Monday. At the request of the MEP of RMDSZ (party of the Hungarian minority in Romania), the European Parliament has for the first time produced a comprehensive report on cooperation between the European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE).
The European Parliament adopted the report on Tuesday by a large majority of 494 votes in favor, 76 against, and 76 abstentions.
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László Trócsányi, MEP of Hungary’s governing Fidesz party said the two organizations have an important role to play in Europe. “It is regrettable, however, that the EU’s role in the protection of indigenous national minorities is not appreciated, as the European Commission’s cynical response to the Minority Safepack initiative proves,” he said in a statement. The MEP referred to the fact that despite the success of the European Citizens’ Initiative, the European Commission refused to put the issue of national minorities on the agenda and initiate legislation.
“We believe it is important for the European Union to prove that it does not interpret the provisions of the treaties selectively, according to its own convenience, but that it can be a defender of the rights of national minorities,” Trócsányi added.
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Featured photo via the European Parliament