Müpa Budapest and the Budapest Festival Orchestra will hold a joint thematic festival from September 22 to 27.Continue reading
This year, the Valley of Arts will host the Hungarian Jazz Festival concert series, between July 21 and 30 in Kapolcs (western Hungary, Veszprém County), in the courtyard of the Hungarian Jazz Federation, and will include performances, discussions and workshops.
The Hungarian Jazz Festival is one of the most prestigious events in Hungarian music scene, with an extended six-day-long program, presenting Hungarian jazz music.
Photo via Facebook/Művészetek Völgye
Among the performers will be Béla Ágoston’s Kerub formation, Santa Diver, the VAN orchestra, the Richárd Révész Latin Quartet with Yulaisy Miranda Ferrer, the Pozsár-Hock-Gyárfás Trio, the Kollmann Gábor Quintet, Zita Gereben, the Pintér Zoltán Trio and Kornél Fekete-Kovács, and the Jónás Géza Quartet.
On July 26, saxophonist and composer Viktor Tóth will give a presentation entitled “Easy to understand jazz” with live music and audio and video recordings; the next day, Gábor Kollmann, member of the Hungarian Jazz Federation board, will talk about the basics of improvisation.
On July 28, a discussion on “Women in Hungarian jazz” will be held with Zita Gereben, Eszter Hász, Lilla Orbay, and Júlia Karosi; and on July 29, Ferenc Gayer, Vice-President of the federation, will talk about the early decades of jazz history during a lecture entitled “Everything began that way.”
Via MTI, Featured image via Pixabay