The Csoóri Sándor Program is one of the most significant forms of support for folk culture.Continue reading
The Hungarian Heritage House has joined the Folk Day celebrated across Europe, with a children’s and adult dance house, dance theater performances, a folk music concert and a lecture on dance history.
The European Folk Day was celebrated for the second time across the continent on September 23. The event, which focuses on modern interpretations of folklore and the community experience, was joined last year by 32 countries with more than 248 programs.
The aim of the international celebrations is to bring together European folk communities through folk music, folk dance and traditional storytelling,
said the organizers of the Hungarian event.
You can join the event online or in person, by organizing your own activities or by engaging in social media activity using the hashtag #europeanfolkday. This year, a map on the website of the event will show which events from which countries have joined the Folk Day.
The Hungarian Heritage House has also linked up with several events. On Thursday, a dance history lecture on the dancing tradition of Kétegyháza (Chitighaz, near the Romanian border) and a dance theater production titled “Nagyvárosi Vándorok” (“Urban Travellers”) will be staged. The latter will also be on show on Friday.
Also on Friday, children will be able to enjoy a children’s dance evening. On Saturday, the Hungarian Heritage House will host a folk music concert titled “Magyar Katonák” (“Hungarian Soldiers”).
On Saturday, the Hungarian Heritage House will organize the Verbunk Day, which preserves the traditions of the Csárdás (traditional Hungarian folk dance) in Hungary and in Hungarian communities beyond the borders. Since 2019, the Verbunk dance is listed on UNESCO’s Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Hargita Székely Néptáncszínház