Last year, several countries with internal Schengen borders reintroduced border controls.Continue reading
Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, French anthropologist and author of the bestseller Brotherhoood and Its Networks: an Investigation, was a guest of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest. In an interview by László Bernát Veszprémy for Mandiner, she spoke about the Muslim Brotherhood and immigration to Europe.
“There is a theocratic group, and they do not want democracy, they want theocracy – power in the name of God, not in the name of the people. When they arrive, they want to subvert society, but not by violent means,” Bergeaud-Blackler started her explanation.
Graph: Wikipedia
“They do not want to fight and they do not want to impose sharia or caliphate by force. They simply want to subvert society, and they do it by peaceful means: influence and infiltration. I think that this could happen in Hungary, but not at the moment because there are not enough Muslims – I understand there are about 10,000 Muslims here, compared to nine million in France,” said the French author. But before there were nine million Muslims in France, there were only 10,000, and the Muslim Brotherhood arrived just when there was already a critical mass of Muslims to start their mission. However, Islamism is not the same as Islam: Islamism is a form of Islam, but not all of Islam,” she emphasized.
Ce qui a été attaqué avec Charlie Hebdo, c’est la liberté d’expression des intellectuels et des enseignants.
L’anthropologue @FBBlackler répondait aux questions de @gabriellecluzel. L’intégralité de l’entretien sera disponible samedi à 18h sur le site de Boulevard Voltaire. pic.twitter.com/39DD22VZdx
— Boulevard Voltaire (@BVoltaire) January 10, 2025
“In France, there is a huge public debate about the issue of Islamism, especially since 2015, which was a turning point in France because of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. We identify two types of Islamism. One is jihadist Islamism, which is violent, and the other is ‘fraternal Islamism,'” continued the French author. “It is more based on intellectualism, on subverting society, demoralizing it and destroying its structure in order to change it from within. So they are two different branches, but they are trying to achieve the same goal – a totally Islamic society.”
Bergeaud-Blackler also pointed out that there is a certain link between Islamism and radical left-wing movements. Voters in France understood this; this is what explains the rise of the right in the country, as the French do not want to tolerate this Islamist-left-wing alliance. They understood that the state in its current form is not strong enough to deal with the problem.
Because many of those following radical Islamist ideologies are now second or third generation immigrants, it is clear that this is no longer just an immigration issue. The problem is already here, but immigration is exacerbating the situation. Islamism is no longer just an immigration issue, but a result of globalization and world politics. The relationship between Islamism and the left is also contributing to this.
Photo: Wikipedia
Replying to a question about possible alternatives to solving demographic decline through immigration, Bergeaud-Blackler thinks that family-friendly policies would be needed in France, similar to those introduced by the government in Hungary. “Many people are unemployed in France, and because they have no jobs, they do not start families. Economic immigration should be stopped; instead, wages should be raised, jobs should be guaranteed. This could incentivize people that would start families,” said the French expert on Islamism.
Via Mandiner>; Featured Image:Wikipedia