"Dormant explosive devices can be found in the most unexpected places, more than 75 years after the end of the Second World War," the Hungarian Defence Forces said.Continue reading
In the past six months, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service of the Hungarian Armed Forces has received more than a thousand reports of explosive devices. The number of safe underground destruction of explosive devices has exceeded 220.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
On Tuesday, the Hungarian Defense Forces Bomb Disposal Command announced on its Facebook page that explosive ordnance disposal officers were called out to various types of explosive devices in 145 cases in June alone, and emergency measures had to be taken in 26 cases.
In their article, they also highlight some cases from the past month.
A Soviet 82-mm mortar shell was found hanging from the edge of the bucket of a front-end loader on Ipar Street in Monor. A photo of the incident was posted on the Facebook page of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service. The device was found while digging a concrete foundation along with excavated soil. The soldiers removed and destroyed the explosive device.
During excavations in Kiss Péter Street in Gyöngyös, a 45-mm tank shell of Soviet origin from World War II was also found. The explosive device was in transportable condition, so the soldiers took it for later destruction, according to the bomb disposal regiment.
Source: MTI
Featured image via the Facebook page of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service