The exhibition highlights the artistry and heritage of Hungarian craftsmanship.Continue reading
Hungary’s EU Presidency is defined by courage, despite unfair prejudices, Maurizio Gasparri, leader of Forza Italia center-right ruling party’s Senate group, told MTI on Wednesday evening in Rome, on the sidelines of a peace concert organized by the Hungarian presidency.
According to Maurizio Gasparri, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union is above all “characterized by courage in moving forward, despite countless unfair prejudices.” He said that Hungary was fulfilling the six months of its presidency with determination, seriousness and commitment, even though many had criticized it “without any justification.”
He added:
Hungarian virtue has been shown this time too!”
He noted that the Hungarian peace concert gives hope that from next year the fate of the world will change for the better. “Unfortunately, history has a way of delivering bitter surprises, but we always need a message of hope,” Mr Gasparri said.
Insieme all’ambasciatore Ádám Zoltán Kovács sto partecipando al concerto del coro StEFREM organizzato dall’Accademia d’Ungheria nella suggestiva Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio. pic.twitter.com/fXVF6QtZus
— Maurizio Gasparri (@gasparripdl) November 27, 2024
The concert, organized by Hungary in honor of the EU term, was attended by Italian cultural and public figures, diplomatic representatives of the Member States and members of the Hungarian community in Rome.
The renewed Saint Ephraim Male Choir performed in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the center of Rome, next to the Pantheon. The packed church heard pieces in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Swahili, Georgian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Italian, as well as Hungarian.
In his opening remarks, Ambassador Ádám Zoltán Kovács stressed that
the concert was dedicated to the innocent victims of wars in the world, including in Ukraine and the Middle East.
He said that the concert was one of the most solemn events in the rich program of events accompanying the Hungarian EU presidency term. He recalled that on Tuesday, an exhibition of the Herend Porcelain Manufactory was opened in the House of Representatives in Rome, also organized by the Hungarian Presidency.
Art is a tool for peace, culture heals wounds. Many people may think that this can do little to fight wars, but the pandemic has proven that culture can give hope and suffering should not be the last word,”
said the Hungarian Ambassador to Rome.
The rector of the church, Jesuit Father Vincenzo d’Adamo, said that his order had always believed in the fighting power of art, adding that “in every age there is tension that can be resolved by common sense on the path to peace.”
Via MTI, Featured image: X/Maurizio Gasparri