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Two companies of recruits have started basic training in two locations at the beginning of the week, and the vast majority of them are preparing to enter contract service, the Defense Minister said.
Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky pointed out that the basic military training program started at the Vattay Antal 2nd Territorial Defense Regiment in Hajdúhadház (eastern Hungary) and the Klempa Kálmán 7th Territorial Defense Regiment in Várpalota (western Hungary).
Through the training, the soldiers will strengthen their physical and mental fitness, learn basic military rules and procedures, as well as become familiar with weapons and combat procedures.
The recruits will gain valuable life-long skills, team thinking and action, confidence, and the ability to defend the country, the minister emphasized.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
He recalled that the recruitment campaign launched in June last year under the motto “I love it, I will protect it” was extremely successful, with a steady flow of applications even after the campaign closed, and that the number of recruits has now increased by more than 3,700.
Since Hungary has switched to voluntary recruitment, the Hungarian Defense Forces have never seen so many people join in such a short period of time,
said Szalay-Bobrovniczky.
He stressed that hundreds of the new recruits, roughly ten percent of all applicants, have changed their form of service and continue to serve the country as contract soldiers. The flexible system of training allows the Territorial Reservists to decide to continue serving as contract soldiers at any time.
The minister added that the reserve campaign has also led to an increase in interest in contracted military service, showing that the majority of those who are now enlisting see a career in the military as a vocation. “Some of them want to fulfill a childhood dream, others want to gain physical and mental strength through training and an active lifestyle, while others have signed up for the extra academic credits offered by higher education,” concluded Szalay-Bobrovniczky in the statement.
Via MTI, Featured photo via Honvedelem.hu