The annual per capita honey consumption in Hungary is only one kilogram.Continue reading
The 14th Gyula Honey and Gingerbread Festival in southeastern Hungary will be held on December 8-9, where, in line with tradition, the Hungarian Honey of the Year title will be awarded again this year.
The main aim of the event was the same at the beginning, when it was held in a small private house, as it is today: to promote honey. Much progress has been made in this area. A few years ago, customers were looking only for acacia and mixed honey. Rapeseed honey, for example, was unsellable, but now many people are looking for it, too. In addition, average annual per capita honey consumption in Hungary has been increasing over the years.
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János Árgyelán, one of the main organizers, emphasized that the event is unique in the way it speaks to the public:
they are expected to participate in honey tastings and fairs, while at the same time professional programs and lectures are also being prepared for beekeepers.
The spectacular public program includes a torchlight parade of the honey cavalry regiments accompanied by the Tótkomlós brass band on Friday; on Saturday there will be a beekeeping fair in the community center, where almost all the local honey varieties will be on sale.
On Saturday, the results of the Hungarian Honey of the Year competition will be announced, for which almost 400 samples have been submitted this year.
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The professional program will include a presentation by the President of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association on the current situation in the Hungarian beekeeping sector; the situation on the honey market; the impact of beekeeping on the psyche; and the effects of the Asian hornet in Europe.
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The detailed program is available at www.visitgyula.com.
Via MTI, Featured image via Pexels