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There is a major problem of violence in the European Parliament (EP) because one MEP, Ilaria Salis, “likes to hit people with a hammer,” Georg Mayer stated during a session on Wednesday, writes Telex.

In his speech, the Austrian MEP from FPÖ suggested that Ms. Salis, who came “straight” from a Hungarian prison, should be searched daily along with her staff to ensure no weapons are smuggled into the building, thus ensuring the security of the Parliament. Mr. Mayer, who is a member of the Patriots for Europe (PfE) group, just like the Fidesz-KDNP MEPs, claimed,

the violence is coming from the left, as we saw last week in the United States.”

Manon Aubry, leader of the far-left GUE/NGL group, responded on the second day of the EP’s opening session, she condemned Mayer’s comments, stating, “unfortunately, we did not have to wait a whole plenary session for the far right to show its true colors.” Ms. Aubry defended Ilaria Salis, saying her Italian colleague had been “imprisoned” by Viktor Orbán for standing up for fundamental rights and felt honored to fight alongside her against “right-wing extremists.”

Picture: MTI

Hungarian authorities accuse Ms. Salis, an Antifa activist, of organizing street attacks on the “Day of the Outbreak” last February, resulting in nine injuries.

She denies the allegations. Her arrest sparked controversy in Italy after she was led into court handcuffed and shackled, which is common in Hungary but not in Italy, where cages are used for terrorists and mafia members.

Ilaria Salis was elected to the European Parliament in June, granting her immunity. She was released shortly after, the case against her was dropped, and she returned to Italy after spending 15 months in a Hungarian prison. Her immunity lasts for her five-year mandate, but Hungarian authorities have requested the EP committee to waive it to resume proceedings. The EP committees will be formed next week.

The Italian MEP recently joined X (formerly Twitter), stating her fundamental rights were violated due to her political beliefs. Zoltán Kovács, the Secretary of State for International Communications, quickly noticed the post.

On Wednesday, Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri sent a message on X: “Dear Ilaria, you were detained in Hungary under serious charges for commiting violent crimes by attacking innocent people, registered by video cameras. Immunity was not invented to escape justice.”

Enikő Győri’s colleague, MEP Ernő Schaller-Baross, supported Mayer’s initiative: “I welcome the today’s plenary request of MEP Georg Mayer to make an investigation against her and her activity. The victims, ignored by the entire European left, deserve justice. Extremists have no place at European Parliament!

Alleged ANTIFA Activist Ilaria Salis: from Imprisoned Protester to Controversial MEP
Alleged ANTIFA Activist Ilaria Salis: from Imprisoned Protester to Controversial MEP

The 39-year-old teacher garnered a staggering 165,000 votes in the recent EP elections.Continue reading

Via Telex; Featured Image: X / Ilaria  Salis / @SalisIlaria

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