The modern performance of art refers back to its well-known origins, yet it is a complete and outstanding work on its own.Continue reading
The Győr Ballet Company (from northwestern Hungary) has been representing Hungarian dance for decades. Their director, László Velekei, described the association as a very close-knit family that is able to cope with challenges both ordinary and unusual precisely because of its unity, reports Magyar Nemzet.
After an extremely successful period – in the 2022-23 season, the Győr Ballet presented one hundred and twenty performances, five new shows, and 28,000 spectators watched the productions – the company has recently shown its talent at numerous prestigious events, concerts, and children’s programs.
They participated at the sixth Colombian International Classical Music Festival in Bogota, where they spent more than a week, performing three shows in a row.
First a Stravinsky piece, then a performance of Fauré’s Mélisande, and finally, a choreography called Bolero was staged.
As for how they have dealt with the challenges of the recent years, director László Velekei noted that during the burgeoning energy crisis, they have tried to help the Győr National Theater by finding alternative venues for their rehearsals. The Győr Ballet moved to the automotive company, Audi Hungaria Zrt. He added that it was an exceptional opportunity for an artistic company to work in an industrial environment day after day, and it ended up giving a spectacular performance for the Audi employees.
This was perhaps one of the most important successes of the Győr Ballet, and maybe this story explains the secret of the success: we not only accepted the change, we not only became part of the transformation, but we also became the leaders,”
emphasized Velekei.
In June, the 18th Hungarian Dance Festival organized by the Győr Ballet was a new challenge, bringing high quality productions and outstanding talents to the city. This year’s series focused on Győr-based artists, but as an international festival, hosted some of the world’s greatest performers as well. The event was also part of the 10th Theater Olympics, Hungary’s most prominent cultural program.
The performance of Győr Ballet at the 18th Hungarian Dance Festival. Photo via Facebook/Magyar Táncfesztivál
In addition to the professional dancers and dance enthusiasts, the community is also trying to reach out to the youngest members of society. This year, the association debuted a new children’s play, the Masquerade Ball 2, with catchy melodies and a magical fairytale world.
An important goal of the company is to make their art more accessible to little ones, to make them more sensitive and open to the arts.
Velekei added that programs such as the festival, are a different kind of joy in their lives, as it is recharging for both the company and the audience.
The Győr Ballet has been representing Hungarian dance for the past forty-four years.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured photo via Facebook/Győri Balett