Meanwhile, DK president Gyurcsány vowed on behalf of the allied opposition "to sweep from power" the currently ruling "robbers and traitors of the nation" at next spring's general election.Continue reading
“The only thing the Gyurcsány family loves than lies is power,” the prime minister’s chief of staff said on Facebook on Thursday, referring to former Socialist prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and his wife Klára Dobrev.
Citing an interview Dobrev gave to news portal index, Gergely Gulyás said the Democratic Coalition’s candidate for prime minister had underlined the importance of human rights, yet three years ago had vowed never to form an alliance with the nationalist Jobbik party.
Dobrev, he added, had opposed Jobbik “with her every sinew” for presenting a dangerous threat to Jews and Roma as well as to her husband, adding that there was no doubting her change of heart since.
“If instead of white she said black, and if instead of speaking about human rights she glorified Jobbik — which according to her party’s previous standpoint would be an alliance with a Nazi party — her dream of becoming prime minister would evaporate more quickly,” he said.
“For the Gyurcsány couple, a lie is only full of pleasure if they are not in a corner,” he said, referring to her accusation against Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that it was he who decided which vaccine people should be inoculated with. Hungary, he insisted, was the only country in the world where everyone was free to choose from six different vaccines, adding that there was “not a single government or prime minister in the world that guarantees” such a wide choice to people to make voluntarily.
In the featured photo: PMO Head Gergely Gulyás. Photo by Gergely Botár/kormany.hu