Christian Democrats in western Europe initially abandoned all their principles to gain political power and then lost that power, Gulyás said.Continue reading
Christianity is disappearing from public life in western Europe, while at the same time “the dictatorship of opinion” is growing stronger, the prime minister’s chief of staff said on Saturday.
In a speech at the consecration ceremony of a new reformed church in the town of Rakamaz, in north-eastern Hungary, Gergely Gulyás said that more than three decades after the fall of communist dictatorships in central Europe, “it appears that materialism is triumphant in western Europe.”
“If we want to see the kind of future that awaits countries that abandon Christianity, we should look no further than the churches of western Europe,” Gulyás said. “We can see how they’re being torn down and how coal mines, gas stations, and shopping malls are being built in their places.”
“We can see how they’re being converted into concert halls, hotels, fast food restaurants and how they’re being taken over by Muslims.” he said.
The disappearance of Christianity from western European public life is also leading to the disappearance of understanding, as well as the rise of “the dictatorship of opinion” and “constraints that are incompatible with life, like gender ideology, being made mandatory”, he added.
What was considered “absurdist humor” two decades ago has now not only become reality but “a mandatory state ideology in western Europe’s welfare states”, Gulyás said.
In these times faith becomes all the more important for survival, Gulyás said. “We don’t need to move mountains; we just need to place stones and bricks on top of each other to build small communities,” he said. Building churches is proof of faith in the future, he added.
Featured photo by Attila Balázs/MTI