A number of left-wing MPs and parties have either stayed away from the vote or abstained.Continue reading
On Wednesday evening, the regular Government Info press conference took place in Budapest. Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office and Alexandra Szentkirályi, Government Spokesperson, held yesterday’s session together with János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation. The main announcement was made by János Csák: The government will launch a new home-creation program for families.
The minister stressed that the cabinet’s goal remains to ensure that all the children that couples might want can be born as soon as possible. The interest-subsidized loan scheme, called CSOK Plus, will be available throughout the country, and in settlements with a population of more than 5,000 people, it will be available in combination with the so-called rural CSOK. For one child, a loan of HUF 15 million (EUR 39,000), for two children HUF 30 million (EUR 78,000), and for three children HUF 50 million (EUR 130,000) can be applied for, with an interest rate of three percent.
The rural CSOK aims at halting depopulation and improving the living conditions in rural areas. It is available to those who want to buy or renovate an apartment or house on a homestead or in a small settlement.
In order to curb rising prices, the upper limit for the value of a property is HUF 80 million (EUR 208,000) for the purchase of a first home, and HUF 150 million (EUR 390,000) for the extension of a home or the purchase of a larger home due to the birth of children, the politician said. He added that there is no such limit for settlements with less than 5,000 inhabitants.
Among the topics on the agenda of the government’s meeting in parliament yesterday, Gergely Gulyás said at the Government Info meeting that the terrorist attack on Israel and the security situation were discussed. He stressed that the Hungarian government recognizes Israel’s independence. The international community must do everything to avoid escalation, he added.
The minister also said that 445 Hungarian citizens had been evacuated from Israel so far. However, 15 Hungarians are still in Gaza. All of them are safe and communication with them is being maintained.
He added that it is in Europe’s priority interest that the states in the region preserve their freedom and security.
That is why we must help Egypt, for instance, because “if we do not, hundreds of thousands, millions of people could come to Europe.”
Gulyás also mentioned that the Middle East conflict will be on the agenda of the coming EU summit. The Hungarian government does not support the EU budget amendment proposal for several reasons, he said. One is that “Brussels is asking for more money, and for highly controversial purposes,” he said. One of these purposes is the implementation of the migrant pact, which is incompatible with Hungary’s interests and is also considered to be contrary to the interests of Europe.
He added that the part on support for Ukraine was also not considered acceptable in its current form. The Hungarian government does not see the proposal as “serving peace,” he said.
Gulyás called the proposal to give four years of EU aid to Ukraine “unacceptable under all circumstances.”
He warned that it would help prolong the war instead of promoting a ceasefire.
Via MTI, Featured image: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd