Budapest has essentially only two rivals in the region on this front: Vienna and Prague, but the hotels opening in the Hungarian capital could soon be the envy of its neighbors.Continue reading
The University of Miskolc and the University of Sopron in Hungary have launched a fundraising campaign for the restoration of the damage caused by the fire in Banská Štiavnica (Selmecbánya), a town in Central Slovakia, on 18 March.
According to the joint statement, the successor institutions of the Selmec Academy, founded in 1735, intend to contribute to the preservation of intellectual values of scientific historical significance that are inevitable in the creation of European mining and metallurgical culture.
On 18 March a fire destroyed the historic center of Banská Štiavnica. The fire in the area, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, caused extensive damage to the Love-bank, the Fritz House, the Hellenbach House and the Mining Museum, a 15th century Berggerichte (Mining Court) building which, in addition to former mining training documents, housed the mineralogical exhibition, some of which was still owned by the Selmec Academy, founded in 1735.
Volunteers evacuate valuable artifacts from one of the affected buildings. Facebook Óbudai-Egyetem-Alba-Regia-Műszaki-Kar-Geoinformatikai-Intézet
The universities wrote that, as the successor institutions to the Selmec Academy, they felt a sense of responsibility for the badly scarred Selmec town.
The two institutions wish to work hand in hand to help each other, as their respect for the spirit of the Banská Štiavnica schools that gave rise to the academic life of today’s universities demands,
the communiqué reads.
According to the communiqué, the rectors of the two universities invited all those who belong to the intellectual workshops of the universities and “have lived and continue to live according to the Selmec tradition” to join and support their initiative.
Banská Štiavnica: Facebook Miron Breznoščák
Donations will be accepted on the account number of the University of Miskolc (10102718-51382100-07005002). The two universities have also announced that Miskolc and Sopron students will organize a specialized festival and the proceeds will be donated to Banská Štiavnica.
Featured Photo: Facebook Armed Forces of the SR