The people fleeing from the war told heartbreaking stories at the Catholic Caritas Relief in Barabás and the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta in Beregsurány, near the Ukrainian border.Continue reading
Former New York State Governor George Pataki has praised the care Hungary is providing for refugees from Ukraine after visiting the aid point in Beregsurány, near the Hungary-Ukraine border, on Friday.
Pataki, who is of Hungarian descent, hailed the efforts of the government, local authorities and aid groups as “impressive,” saying he wanted to see what else was being done to help refugees. He said refugees mainly needed medical supplies, warm clothing and blankets.
The former governor vowed to urge the United States government and public to support the efforts to help refugees. With the future uncertain, Pataki said it was important to be prepared for potential future waves of refugees.
Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi welcomed the help Hungarians have provided over the past two weeks. The government, charity and aid groups and the local population have all been keen to help, she said.
Szentkirályi noted that the government is supporting the charity organisations helping refugees at the aid points with 3 billion forints (EUR 7.9m).
Featured photo by Attila Balázs/MTI