The Fidesz-led government is pursuing too confrontational policies towards the European Commission, and is opening up too many fronts, according to former Foreign Minister and former European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics.
In an interview with HVG, the former foreign minister admits that he has a different opinion on foreign affairs. He points out for example, that he definitely regrets Fidesz’s departure from the European People’s Party (EPP).
However, in reference to the recovery funds and rule of law debate, he apparently tends to agree with the government’s stance, arguing that the rule of law concept is so national in context that at a European level it can only be described in very general terms, or rather “…in a vague way. But it is OK to debate. In fact, we must not give up communicating, as that would result in a break, with unforeseeable consequences.”
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On the other hand, he still insists that he couldn’t “imagine” Hungary outside the European Union.
Simplifying language to result in popularity decline among youngsters
Navracsics also said that about 80% of Fidesz politicians view the future similarly, explaining that the party includes both radicals and moderates, although the latter group – with which he himself associates – have been somewhat marginalized over recent years. (However, he will likely be the Fidesz candidate in the Tapolca district at next year’s general election). This is partly why in his view, Fidesz’s popularity declined among intellectuals and the urban middle classes, while also calling the loss of young people a worrying “global trend.”
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He also said that the radical, simplifying language may be alarming for those who don’t see everything in black and white, but also in shades of grey, and this is why the ruling party lost the trust of Budapesters, of those living in big cities, and a large percentage of youngsters.
featured image via Zoltán Máthé/MTI