A milestone has been reached for Hungarian air transport that once enjoyed a golden age.Continue reading
The first scheduled flight of Universal Air from Malta arrived at Pécs-Pogány Airport (southwestern Hungary) on March 26. Márk Kincses, Head of the Tourism Development Department of Pécs, spoke about the launch of the scheduled flights to Turizmus.com.
With the return of scheduled flights to Pécs after more than a decade and a half, the city has become even more a part of the international tourism circuit: not only is Malta now accessible to Pécs residents, but also Munich, from where they will soon be able to fly to destinations all over the world.
Márk Kincses stressed that
the arrival of the first flight from Malta was a historic moment.
Photo via Facebook/Pécs-Pogány Repülőtér
Fortunately, this is not a one-off event, as flights will appear twice a week from Pécs until June, after which the frequency will increase. The summer timetable includes flights not only to Malta and Munich, but also to Corfu.
Asked why Pécs can now be reached from Malta and Munich, the expert pointed out that
it was important to connect the southern German provinces with the city, as Germany is the number one international market for the Pécs-Villány region, and Bavaria has been the most popular destination for visitors in recent years.
Munich was also a good choice, because once Universal Air succeeds in concluding appropriate contracts with other airlines, Pécs could be put on the global aviation map, with a one-stop connection to New York.
According to Kincses,
Malta is an exciting destination for outbound travelers, as the Mediterranean island country is an ideal destination for a long weekend all year round,
with flights on Tuesdays, Fridays, and later on Sunday evenings. Incidentally, the airline operating the service is also based in Malta, and currently operates from a base there. They would also like to promote Pécs and its surroundings in Malta.
Valletta, the capital of Malta. Photo via Pixabay.
From June onwards, flights to Corfu will operate once a week on Wednesdays, the interview revealed. The airline is already seeing strong interest in this route. In addition, Albania is becoming an increasingly popular destination for Hungarians, the southern part of which is also easily accessible from Corfu airport.
The Pécs-Pogány Airport can be reached by free bus services from the Baranya county seat in 20 minutes. Although the Pécs base is not on par with other airports in terms of airport shops, it is practical, easily accessible, and cost-effective. As there are fewer flights, residents of Pécs can leave home an hour before the flight, as check-in closes 30 minutes before departure. In addition, parking is also free at the airport for those arriving in their own car.
Via Turizmus.com; Featured image via Facebook/Pécs-Pogány Repülőtér