The Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina requested the assistance of the international mission EUFOR.Continue reading
On January 22, 2024, Major General Dr. László Sticz made history as the first Hungarian commander of EUFOR Althea, the European Union’s military force deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, honvedelem.hu reported.
Tasked with ensuring peace and stability in the region, Maj. Gen. László Sticz embarked on his one-year mandate by prioritizing relationship-building with local authorities, military personnel, police forces, and the civilian population.
The mission of EUFOR Althea, operating under a UN mandate, was to support the work of the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to establish and maintain a peaceful and secure environment in the country.
However, the complexities of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political structure have posed significant challenges to this objective. The country was comprised of two entities, the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with the independent Brčko District. Decision-making in such a framework demanded consensus among three constituent nations, making progress difficult to achieve.
Major General László Sticz. Photo: honvedelem.hu
Sticz highlighted the intricacies of navigating Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political landscape, where every decision required the agreement of representatives from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds. Despite these challenges, he commended the exemplary leadership within the Bosnian forces, where individuals from different ethnic backgrounds worked together as a unified team.
Cooperation and dialogue were deemed essential for progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Maj. Gen. Sticz emphasized the importance of political leaders recognizing this necessity and prioritizing the principles of cooperation and unity. He noted signs of progress in the country, particularly following the initiation of EU accession negotiations, which saw unprecedented unity among politicians.
Photo: honvedelem.hu
As part of EUFOR’s mission, maintaining a secure environment was paramount. He outlined strategic measures, including patrols and collaboration with local authorities to uphold peace and security. The presence of international troops served as a reassuring factor for the population, contributing to stability amid political complexities.
Additionally, EUFOR maintained a strategic reserve force, which underwent exercises and training to enhance readiness for deployment as needed.
Sticz underscored the importance of continual improvement and acknowledged the dedication of his troops, aiming for excellence in their collective mission.
In conclusion, Major General Sticz’s tenure as commander of EUFOR Althea underscored the importance of cooperation, unity, and perseverance in fostering peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite the challenges posed by the country’s political complexities, he remained committed to the mission’s objectives, guided by the principles of impartiality and dedication to ensuring a secure environment for all.
Via honvedelem.hu; Featured Image: honvedelem.hu