Running Lynx requires a different kind of attitude, a young, dynamic generation with digital skills.Continue reading
The soldiers of the 30th Armoured Infantry Brigade held live firing exercises with the Lynx infantry fighting vehicle in mid-September, reported honvedelem.hu. The new IFVs will be the backbone of the Hungarian defense forces.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
The retraining from the old Soviet era BTR 80s to the Lynx KF41 armored infantry fighting vehicles, acquired under the Defense and Military Development Program and arrived in Hódmezővásárhely last October, started immediately. Following the driving training, the development of the technical equipment has now reached the stage where the first live firing exercises have been held in Hungary.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
The most important part of the Lynx’s remarkable armament is the 30 mm automatic machine gun, which is capable of firing programmable ammunition with a range of up to 3,000 meters. Parallel to this is a 7.62 mm machine gun and, in addition to the main armament, there is also a remotely controlled turret-mounted 12.7 mm machine gun.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
During the training period, six Hungarian soldiers participated in the first round of firing exercises, where they successfully fired at stationary and moving targets during standing and moving firing exercises.
The Soviet-era BTR-80, currently in the inventory of the armed forces, is now wholly inadequate for the requirements of a modern battlefield. Photo: Wikipedia.
Running Lynx requires a different kind of attitude, a young, dynamic generation with digital skills.Continue reading
Featured Image: Honvedelem.hu
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