The Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) published a decree on the duties and powers of the members of the government, according to which Viktor Orbán represents the government, but in individual cases, he can also appoint other persons to represent the government. The decree, signed by Viktor Orbán, states that Viktor Orbán determines the government’s policies and directs their implementation. As a rule, ministers are obliged to cooperate with the other members of government.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
Antal Rogán, as head of the Prime Minister’s Office, is responsible for “Viktor Orbán’s personal affairs.”
- the general political coordination of the government
- the government’s communications,
- the national brand,
- tourism,
- hospitality,
- e-administration,
- IT,
- the consolidation of e-government services and IT developments,
- ensuring the infrastructural feasibility of IT in public administration,
- the cinema sector,
- audiovisual policy,
- electronic communications,
- regulation of gambling,
- management of civil national security services,
- management of civil intelligence services,
- professional supervision of the protection of classified information.
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Ministers of Fifth Orbán Government Sworn In
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Gergely Gulyás, as Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office, is responsible for
- coordinating the activities of the government commissioners,
- coordinating relations between the government and society,
- assisting in the development of government strategies,
- administrative quality policy and personnel policy,
- development and organization of public administration,
- monitoring the legality of local government,
- coordination of social policy,
- development of social and civil relations,
- the land registry,
- cartography,
- sustainability of certain commercial buildings,
- personal status and citizenship matters
- implementation of the Hungarian Village Program and the Modern Cities Program,
and Aktív Magyarország (Active Hungary).
The Minister chairs the meetings of the Cabinet for Strategy and Family Affairs.
In addition, Gergely Gulyás will also be responsible for
- unified communication of Hungarian wine,
- promoting fisheries as part of his responsibility for an active Hungary,
- and coordinating state tasks related to the operation, renovation, and development of small railroads.
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The Political Director of the Prime Minister, Balázs Orbán, is responsible for the preparation of background material, preparatory materials, and analyses related to the work of the Prime Minister. Among other things, he will be responsible for
- coordinating Viktor Orbán’s international activities,
- supervising the general political, strategic, foreign policy, and public policy aspects of the government’s decision-making and decision preparation,
- coordinating the work of the prime minister’s commissioners, the prime minister’s envoys, and senior advisors
The Prime Minister’s Political Director attends the meetings of the Cabinet for Strategy and Family, the Cabinet for Economy, and the Cabinet for National Policy.
As Deputy Prime Minister, Zsolt Semjén is responsible for national policy, nationalities policy, church policy, and church diplomacy. He chairs the meetings of the National Political Cabinet. He is assisted by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office. He is responsible for tasks related to religious tourism, coordinates strategic aspects of nationality policy, and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the law by nationality self-governments – with the exception of Roma self-governments – and for the professional management of legal supervision over ethnic groups.
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No government since 1990 has received as "great and united" a mandate as the fourth consecutive Orbán government, the prime minister said.Continue reading
Minister of Agriculture István Nagy will be responsible for
- agricultural policy
- rural development
- food chain monitoring
- food industry
- forestry
- land affairs
- fisheries
- approval of groundwater abstraction facilities for agricultural irrigation
- protection of nature
- cartography related to land management and agricultural aids
- wildlife management
- trade
The Minister prepares laws on the protection of natural values and natural areas, protection of landscapes, Natura 2000 sites, protection of wildlife, and economic regulatory instruments for nature conservation. The minister is responsible for the state of the environment and nature. István Nagy prepares laws on trade, fairs, and markets, and the operation of stores. He defines the goals, instruments, institutions, and the development concept for the management of trade.
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Fifth Orbán Government: Here Are the Potential New Ministries and Ministers
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Sándor Pintér, Minister of the Interior is responsible, among other things, for
- Fighting crime
- law enforcement
- protection of life and property
- border police
- local government
- immigration and asylum
- civil protection
- public safety
- public employment,
- development of careers in public service
- professional management of public records
- traffic police
- promotion of social integration of foreigners
- regulation of travelling abroad
- police work
- regulation of criminal offenses
- identity and address registration
- the fight against terrorism
- local government, chimney sweeping
- the authorization of groundwater abstraction facilities for agricultural irrigation, except
for water management,
- the authorization of groundwater abstraction facilities for agricultural irrigation, except
for water protection,
- administration of water management bodies
- social development
- health insurance
- health
- protection of children and youth
- drug prevention
- public education
- social policy
János Lázár has a new portfolio. As Minister of Construction and Investment, he is responsible for
- public investments
- construction industry
- building regulations and building inspection matters
- settlement development and settlement planning
- protection of cities and municipalities
- spatial planning
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He prepares legislation for the protection of cultural heritage, archaeological heritage and monuments, and cultural assets.
His tasks will still include the definition of national goals, tasks, and requirements for the protection of cultural heritage and cultural assets.
Márton Nagy Minister of Economic Development of the Government will be responsible for
- national financial services
- money, capital, and insurance market regulation
- with the exception of section 148(1)(5) for international financial relations
- economic development
- housing policy
- economic and legal conditions for competitiveness
- regulation of public property management
- supervision of public property
- postal affairs
Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky is responsible for
- defense
- central procurement related to defense and security tasks
- defense development
- sports policy
- development and management of sports facilities
- organization of major international sporting and diplomatic events
- promoting the development of sports science and creating a professional background for sports
- the functioning and development of the health system in sports and the safety of sports events
- the prevention of doping in sport
- preparation and implementation of public financing for sports facilities and sports real estate
- supervising development and reconstruction programs
Minister of Justice Judit Varga is responsible for
- justice
- election and referendum rights
- victim assistance
- compensation
- coordination of EU affairs
- consumer protection
The Minister of Justice, in cooperation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for the procedures related to international treaties, for formulating judicial policy, and for its implementation in cooperation with the constitutional bodies.
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She provides information at home and abroad about the Hungarian constitutional state, the rule of law, democracy, and human rights.
She proposes the main directions of European policy and is responsible for preparing, implementing, and monitoring the governmental tasks arising from EU membership.
János Csák as Minister of Culture and Innovation will be responsible for
- the government’s science policy
- coordination of science policy
- vocational education and training
- higher education
- family policy
- children and youth policy
- culture
- cultural diplomacy, cultural institutes abroad
- business development
He develops the government’s science policy together with the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the cultural policy together with the President of the Hungarian Academy of Arts.
The Minister is responsible for the family and population policy, developing the family and population policy instruments and the family support system, and cooperating with the Minister of Interior for Health in the infertility treatment program, with whom he is jointly responsible for the development of family-friendly obstetric units.
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Far-right Mi Hazánk Slams New Govt Structure
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János Csák coordinates the promotion of social equality between women and men, monitors the implementation of women’s and children’s rights, and is responsible for the development of youth policy.
Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade will be responsible for
- foreign economic affairs
- foreign policy
- planning, construction, and commissioning of the two new units of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant
- space research
- nationalities policy in relation to the Csángós
- support for persecuted Christians and implementation of the “Hungary Helps” program
- employment of third-country nationals in Hungary
Finance Minister Mihály Varga chairs the meetings of the Economic Cabinet and is Viktor Orbán’s deputy for economic policy. He is responsible for
- tax policy
- public finances
- the macroeconomic foundations of the budget
- accounting regulations
- international financial relations
- International Monetary Fund and World Bank
- state aid for housing
- health insurance contributions
- regulation of pension contributions and pension insurance premiums
- pension policy
The Minister of Technology and Industry, László Palkovics, has been given a long list of tasks. In the fifth Orbán government, he will be responsible for
- industrial affairs
- mining
- the domestic economy
- energy policy
- environmental protection
- the transition to a circular economy
- monitoring the product value chain
- setting fees for public services in the field of waste management
- waste management
- transport
- water utilities
- national utility services
- employment policy
- adult education
- social dialogue
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Tibor Navracsics, a returning Minister to government, will be responsible for
- regional development,
- strategic planning for regional development,
- public procurement,
- the use of EU funds,
- the coordination of the European Capital of Culture bid program.
Featured image via Vivien Benko Cher/MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office