The "Stop Gyurcsány! Stop Karácsony!" campaign is now called "Stop Gyurcsány! Stop Márki-Zay!" since the independent conservative candidate won the opposition primaries.Continue reading
The ruling parties’ “Stop Gyurcsány, stop Márki-Zay” petition has been made available for people using sign language, Fidesz said in a statement on Wednesday.
According to the statement, the move was initiated by MP Zsolt Nyitrai and MEP Ádám Kósa to give people with hearing difficulties the opportunity to support the party’s signature drive.
Fidesz changed the name of its drive from “Stop Gyurcsány, stop Karácsony” to “Stop Gyurcsány, stop Márki-Zay” on October 22, after Péter Márki-Zay won the opposition’s primary ahead of Gyurcsány’s wife, Klára Dobrev. (Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of Budapest, withdrew before the run-off.)
Fidesz said the purpose of the signature campaign was to remind Hungarians that “politicians who are now striving for power are the same as those who destroyed the country between 2002-2010”.
A jelnyelvet használók számára akadálymentessé vált a Stop, Gyurcsány! Stop, Márki-Zay! petíció.
Ma Magyarországon több, mint 60 ezer siket és nagyothalló ember él. A Stop, Gyurcsány! Stop, Márki-Zay! petíció jelnyelvi akadálymentesítésének célja, hogy azok a siketek és nagyothallók, akik jelnyelven kommunikálnak, egyből anyanyelvükön, magyar jelnyelven juthassanak hozzá az információkhoz.
Közzétette: Fidesz – 2021. október 27., szerda
According to Fidesz, the number of signatories so far “clearly shows that the majority of people do not want a return to the pre-2010 period”.
Featured photo via Fidesz group leader Máté Kocsis’ Facebook page