Erzsébet Schmuck, co-leader of LMP, accused Fidesz of gutting Hungary's environmental protection authorities so that they could be free to "destroy" the country's green spaces.Continue reading
A total of 78 MEPs from fourteen countries have signed a Polish initiative calling on the European Commission to take into consideration regional differences and stop increasing energy poverty when introducing climate policy regulations, ruling Fidesz MEP András Gyürk said on Tuesday.
Gyürk said in a statement that the initiative published as an open letter was an “important move against the left wing’s increasing attempts of exerting pressure”.
“We have demonstrated our strength against left-wing green ideology,” he added.
The signatories of the initiative welcomed the EC plan to give green classification to investments in nuclear energy and natural gas, Gyürk said. At the same time they said Brussels was not sufficiently taking into consideration regional differences and failed to act against energy poverty. In order to achieve change, more resources must be made available for projects involving nuclear energy and natural gas because these are required to keep public utility costs low and fulfil climate goals, he said.
As a first step, the signatories called on Brussels to improve its proposal concerning the taxonomy regulations, Gyürk said.
The Hungarian signatories included Gyürk and two other Fidesz MEPs: Enikő Győri and Edina Tóth.
featured image via Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI