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Andrej Babiš, Herbert Kickl and Viktor Orbán (L-R)

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President of Fidesz, adopted the “Patriotic Manifesto for the Future of Europe” in Vienna on Sunday morning, together with Herbert Kickl, President of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), and former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, President of the ANO (Action of Dissatisfied Citizens) party.

According to the manifesto, the nations of Europe have reached a historic turning point. “The European Union – once a dream project rooted in a desire for reconciliation after the devastation caused by two world wars and decades of division – has turned against Europeans and now represents interests that are at odds with the will of nations, regions and the small communities that make up our European homeland.”

“Institutions unknown to and distant from the citizens of Europe, together with powerful globalist forces, unelected bureaucrats, lobby and interest groups who and which ignore the voice of the majority and wider popular democracy, are planning to replace the nations. And what is their tool for this? A European central state,” writes the manifesto.

“The last European elections in June had both generational and existential significance. The political dividing line is no longer between conservatives and liberals, or right and left, but between centrists – heralds of a new European ‘superstate’ – and patriots or sovereigntists, who are fighting to preserve and strengthen the European nations we cherish.”

Only through the victory and cooperation of the continent’s patriotic and sovereigntist parties can we guarantee our children’s heritage.”

The Manifesto believes that Europe is determined to defend its borders, stop illegal migration and preserve its cultural identity.

European patriotic forces pledge in the document to give the future of the continent back to the European people.

We will take back our institutions and steer European politics in a direction that serves our nations and our peoples. We put sovereignty above federalism, freedom above dictates, and peace: this is the Patriotic Manifesto for the Future of Europe,”

concludes the document.

At present, Patriots for Europe (PfE) has only three parties. To successfully form a group in the new European Parliament, four more countries have to join, as at least 23 lawmakers from seven countries are needed. Potential candidates could include: the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), the Direction – Social Democracy (SMER) from Slovakia, the Law and Justice (PiS) from Poland, and the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS).

“Today is a historic day, as we presented the group of three parties and their representatives, aiming to bring a political change in Europe, at the inaugural session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on July 16. It will be an era of freedom, sovereignty, peace, prosperity and values,” stated Herbert Kickl. As he stressed,

Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic form a strong core for the new reform movement in the center of Europe.

“The new patriotic alliance aims to be a kind of ‘launching pad’ to join forces with other parties to ensure a good future for Europe once again,” the Austrian politician said.

“We want a Europe that once again presents itself and develops with pride, values, traditions and diversity,” added the FPÖ President. He underlined that they want direct democracy to be given more weight than European law, the number of EU Commissioners to be reduced by a third, the European Parliament to be much smaller than it is now and the influence of the 35,000 lobbyists in Brussels to be drastically reduced. The president of the Freedom Party of Austria emphasized that

Viktor Orbán is the only EU head of government who is able to successfully defend himself against illegal migration, the abuse of asylum rights and excessive European centralization.

He added that Mr. Orbán is a prime minister who stands up for Europe’s values, the family and Christian heritage.

Speaking at a press conference in Vienna, Viktor Orbán pointed out that the situation in Europe is clear, European politics must change, and change is needed in the continent. He underlined that in 20 of the 27 EU Member States, parties that promised change to the citizens won the European Parliament elections. However, in recent weeks, he said, it was clear that the Brussels elite was resisting this decision and would not accept it. They do not want change, they want to maintain the status quo. This is unacceptable, and that is why the joint group and platform is being set up to make the change against the will of the Brussels elite.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, the European economy is in crisis, its weight is diminishing and the threat of terrorism and migration is constant. There is a war in our neighborhood which they have not been able to prevent from breaking out and once it has broken out they have not been able to isolate it. “We live in the shadow of war escalation,” he noted, adding that the European people want three things: peace, order and development. “What they get from the current Brussels elite is war, migration and stagnation.”

He also highlighted that

Brussels have made the European economy uncompetitive, we are on the brink of a trade war with our most important potential trading partners and they have ruined the green transition.

What we have now in Brussels is not green policy, but poisonous green”, Mr. Orbán added.

The Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out that change has begun in Europe, as several European governments have had to resign because of the European Parliament elections. He saw this as proof that democracy is only possible within a national framework. In this situation, it is their duty to enforce the will of the electorate.

The strongest party in Austria, the strongest party in the Czech Republic and the strongest party in Hungary take the responsibility to launch this new platform and faction.

Speaking at the press conference, Andrej Babiš noted their goal was a Europe that respects the sovereignty of its member states, strictly protects its external borders and promotes a sustainable and fair environmental policy. “Together we can build a stronger and more resilient Europe, able to better defend the interests of all its citizens. We want a European Union of independent nation states, not a federation dominated by Brussels,” he stressed.

The cooperating parties are determined to tackle the problem of illegal migration. The European Union’s recently adopted pact must be changed. For the safety and well-being of European citizens, we need to develop rules that protect our borders, dismantle the networks of people smugglers and expel people who have no right to stay in their countries, the Czech politician pointed out. He added that each member state has the right to decide independently who can live in its country.

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Andrej Babiš emphasized that EU environmental policy should take more account of economic development so as not to jeopardize the Community’s competitiveness. Technically sound, economically viable and socially just solutions must be found. He therefore called for the ban on explosive engines to be lifted and for the EU’s energy independence to be promoted, and for all energy technologies to be treated equally.

“The Lega Nord party has been working for years to bring more parties together to build a different Europe without the left, and we welcome those who have shown this willingness,” wrote Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian Lega party, on his social media page. The Lega has been working for years to involve as many parties as possible in building a different Europe without the left, which are not willing to support Ursula von der Leyen. “We want to broaden as much as possible the outlines of a strong, patriotic, cohesive and anti-avoidance group,” Matteo Salvini underlined.

He wrote:

we very much welcome the statements made today by other political leaders who have expressed their willingness to do so.”


Shortly after the signing in Vienna on Sunday, the European right-wing parties began to join the Patriots for Europe alliance, with André Ventura, the leader of the Portuguese party Chega (2 EP seats), announcing that he would join the coalition of sovereigntist forces.

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Viktor Orbán Withdraws Support from Ursula von der Leyen at Brussels Summit

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Via MTI; Featured image via X/Balázs Orbán

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