Minister Benkő said it is up to each of the five NATO nations to decide when they want their troops to arrive in Hungary.Continue reading
Unidentified perpetrators are distributing fake call-up orders by mail and electronically in the name of the Hungarian Armed Forces Command, the Defence Ministry told MTI on Friday.
The orders refer to “a state of emergency and state of war in force” and a non-existent “compulsory military service of reservists”, the ministry said.
“There is neither mobilization, nor a state of war in Hungary. These are fake news. The Hungarian Armed Forces dissociate themselves from misleading the Hungarian public,” it said.
The ministry and the Hungarian Armed Forces do not send such call-up orders signed by Lieutenant-General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, the chief of the armed forces, it said.
The ministry has asked the public not to give credit to these total unfounded rumors, it said.
There is peace in Hungary and all troops of the Hungarian Armed Forces are working to preserve it, the ministry said.
The Hungarian Armed Forces have volunteer reservists who have applied for the service of their own free will. It is merely these reservists who are notified of their tasks, it said.
The ministry said it would take the necessary legal steps in the matter.
Featured photo by Tibor Rosta/MTI