Due to the rainy weather of the past weeks and the high water level of rivers, a large number of mosquito breeding sites have been formed in the country, and the warming weather has also started to draw adult mosquitoes.Continue reading
We can expect an invasion of mosquitoes with the approach of warming, said insect expert Tamás Sáringer-Kenyeres on Info Radio.
In the past six months, significant amounts of precipitation have fallen in Hungary, and the soil has become saturated in many places, with no water seeping away, making it more suitable for mosquito breeding.
The current spring weather may also provide the right conditions for the bloodsuckers, but the new ones are not yet a threat, as they will die due to cooler temperatures.
A major invasion can be expected when warmer weather causes the classic larval breeding sites to warm up, eggs to hatch, and larvae to mature and fledge.
In the counties of Zala and Vas (western Hungary), as well as in several parts of the lowlands, there are large inland water areas, and in these places even the lesser amount of rainfall cannot drain away, but stops instead, facilitating the spread of breeding sites.
According to the expert, it is not yet necessary to start mosquito eradication in February, but it is recommended to prepare for it in March.
It may well be necessary to start biological control in early spring and to organize chemical control in the high season – May and June – following the usual method.
From a mosquito point of view, it is not the actual rainfall but the seasonal rainfall that is decisive, added Tamás Sáringer-Kenyeres.
Via infostart.hu; Featured Image: Pixabay