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Exhibition of the World’s Most Famous Graffiti Artist Opens in Budapest

Hungary Today 2024.05.03.

The Banksy exhibition has arrived in Budapest, with nearly a hundred works in the Komplex in Király Street, providing a comprehensive overview of the artist’s oeuvre to date.

After Barcelona, Paris, Milan, Prague, Brussels, Lisbon, and Dubai, the “World of Banksy – The Street is my Canvas” exhibition has arrived in Budapest at the Komplex, providing a comprehensive overview of the work of the enigmatic graffiti artist, Turizmus.com reports.

Photo: Facebook/World of Banksy Budapest

Banksy’s work goes far beyond just graffiti, with carefully crafted techniques, underlying, understandable, sometimes shocking messages, logical, and communicative twists and turns that make the contemporary artist’s portfolio unique, writes the site.

Photo: Facebook/World of Banksy Budapest

According to Manu De Ros, the curator, the exhibition allows us to enter the artist’s universe and understand the themes he considers important.

An international team of painters works on the exhibition, reproducing the paintings with the same technique, details, and colors each time the exhibition moves to a new venue.

Nearly 100 items are on display, including murals from around the world, artworks, spectacular art installations, and Banksy’s larger-scale activities.

Photo: Facebook/World of Banksy Budapest

Who is Banksy? One person or a group? Is he a man, a woman? How does he choose his locations, what does he think about art, why does the world listen to him? The exhibition, which opened its doors today on May 3, seeks to answer these questions. It will run until September in Budapest before traveling to Venice, Naples, and New York.

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Renowned Budapest Art Gallery Celebrates 75th Birthday with Masterpieces

The exhibition features pieces by artists such as József Rippl-Rónai and Imre Bak.Continue reading

Via Turizmus.com, Featured image: Facebook/World of Banksy Budapest

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