Portfolio has published an in-depth analysis of whether more people are dying in Hungary than before because of the coronavirus vaccine.Continue reading
Despite the fact that the coronavirus has either been tamed or disappeared in most European countries in 2022, more people died than in the years before the epidemic, according to recent Eurostat data, Index writes.
Eurostat reports that excess mortality in Europe in December 2022 was 19 percent higher than the average for 2016-2019. In the last month of the year, the number of deaths in the region also rose compared to the previous month, with 8 percent more deaths in November than the annual average, the news site points out.
This compares with 30 percent in December 2020 and 24 percent in 2021, the period of the coronavirus epidemic in the European Union.
The report shows that in Western Europe, a significant excess mortality rate was recorded in the last month of 2022, and that,
although Hungary also saw an increase, it was at a much lower rate of 2.8 percent.
According to Index, one explanation for the high death rate in December is that, together with January, this month is considered the peak season for upper respiratory illnesses, with the flu virus spreading most rapidly.
Featured infographic by Eurostat